Jesus did warn that in the last days men would be encouraged to reject the law. Matthew 7:15   2Timothy 3:13
I think we have seen enough to show us that we should keep the law.
WHICH law should we keep? It seems there are so many variations?
This is also easy to refute, Jesus said that the sabbath was not made for the Jews, but ALL men. Mark 2:27
There are some that say the 10 commandments were given to Adam and Eve and repeated at Sinai. Some say the fourth commandment is either done away with or was only for the Jews, so they have nine. Still others say that Jesus revised them, and now there are only two. Another group removes the second commandment and splits the tenth one into two to keep ten. This last group is easy to refute, because it is the catholic church, and the set they keep is printed in their catechism”, and does not match the set in their bibles. Thus, the discrepancy is shown to be within their own organisation. The fact is that they removed the second commandment because it condemns them for bowing down and kissing the toes of idols. However, I will leave this set in the mix for the moment, and include it in the comparison on the next page. The set of nine that some keep is achieved by removing the fourth commandment, saying it was only for Jews.
Now, if GOD had made it holy, He would not keep it secret. He would tell us in His word, the Bible. Amos 3:7
Paul kept the sabbath, long after Jesus left. Acts 17:2
Jesus kept the sabbath. Luke 4:16
The fact is that the majority of those arguing that the sabbath has been done away with say it is because we now keep holy the day that Jesus rose from the dead. The only problem with that is that MAN can not make a day holy. Only God can.
On the next page we compare the commonly occurring sets of the commandments.
Given that Amos says God would tell us if there was any change, we can assume it has not changed. I have had a reward of US$10,000 standing for anyone to provide AT LEAST ONE VERSE that provides ANY evidence that the sabbath has changed. No one has even approached me.
Isaiah, referring to the last days, also describes the lack of respect for God’s laws. Isaiah 24:3-6
Some claim that the law “has been done away with” quoting Colossians 2:14-17.
If you read those verses you will see they are talking about ordinances, and are a direct reference to the ceremonial law of Moses from Deuteronomy 31:26
The term “under grace” has been taken way out of context. If there is no law, then there is no sin. If there is no sin, then there is no need for grace. Elementary dear Watson.
Does the law apply to all mankind, or only the Jews?
It was because Noah was righteous (a keeper of the law) that he was given a seat on the ark. Genesis 7:1
Noah was long before there was ever a Jew, and we know that they were expected to keep the law. Also, those that perished in the flood, died because they were blatant sinners. Genesis 6:5-8
Sin is defined as the transgression of the law. 1John 3:4
Paul is often quoted as saying that the law has been overruled by grace but this is a twisting of his words, because he frequently says that the law is valid, good, alive, and must be obeyed. Romans 7:12,22     Romans 3:31     
Peter also admits that Paul’s writings can be hard to understand, but those that deliberately twist them do so at their own peril. 2Peter 3:15-17
Jesus Himself said that it would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away that for one part of the law to fail. Luke 16:17-18